Hey FFFers - before we go on with talking about writing fantasy, and because I'm up to my eyeballs with summer theatre and my husband's health issues, let's talk about some good books.
Right now, my reading consists of my script. But after the show is done and we're on vacation, I'm planning to read Harriet Beamer Takes the Bus by Joyce Magnin, Cooking the Books by Bonnie Calhoun and a nonfiction book, Unleashing the Writer Within by Cec Murphey. I may reread The Hunger Games. Depends on how busy my family keeps me and how often I can get to the pool by myself.
Good writers are avid readers. We can read to learn, to enjoy, to glean what we can from those who have gone on before us. So, let's hear from everyone! What are you reading now? What are you planning to read?
Don't Plant Trees!
11 years ago