I've been working on the first set of revisions for over a week. Just turned them this morning. Revisions are tough. If you've never been through the editing process, it can feel very personal. But, really, it's not. It's always an editor's goal to help make your book the best it can be. That's always my goal when I do edits on someone else's project.
We all know our stories are our babies. We pour so much of ourselves in each character and storyline. We live in that world for a good part of our lives. In fact, Terry Brooks said in his book, Sometimes, the Magic Works, that authors are not all there. Because at all times, part of our brain is in whatever world we're working on. That's sure true for me. No matter what I'm doing, part of my brain is living and breathing and working in the story world of my novel. It's kinda cool, and nonwriters just don't get it.
When an editor comes into the picture and starts messing around, it can be jolting. The thing we all have to remember is to remain teachable and open minded. Not always easy. For me, Fairyeater has been part of my life for almost 8 years. I know the characters like I know my best friends. I've lived in their world, ate their food, wore their clothing, and had conversations with them. But sometimes, that makes me too close to see where I've assumed the reader also knows the characters and the world like I do. I need a fresh pair of eyes to see the places where there are plot holes or things that aren't clearly explained. This is where a good editor comes in.
Something you also need to know is that you can talk to your editor. You don't have to accept every suggestion just the way he or she makes it. If you like the suggestion, put it in your own voice. If you have a good reason for not wanting to make that plot change, let your editor know. Between the two of you, you'll come up with the best thing for you story.
Another thing to work out with your editor is the title for your story. A title needs to be eye catching, easy to remember, and give some sort of idea about the story. My working title for almost 8 years has been Fairyeater. It's a cool title! But it's not what the story is really about. We've kicked some ideas around, and I'm waiting to see what the final outcome is, but I like this: The Fairy Guardian Chronicles: Akeela and the Quest for the Fairystone. I've started the prequel, and I have the germ of an idea for a sequel, so a nice set of three would be under the same series title.
Next, I'll talk about the cover design. Most authors don't have a lot of input on the cover, but I've been blessed to be part of the process. Stay tuned!
Don't Plant Trees!
11 years ago
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